Welcome to the World of Amicido

Your Community for Knowledge, Advice and Fun

We all want to understand, to experience things and make our decisions based on the proper foundation. Sometimes we need advice or just a little encouragement. We have the drive to discover and question new things. We’re curious and always searching for inspiration. That’s what drove us to develop Amicido. The result is an app that combines all these wishes into functions: A place where everyone can ask open questions and receive dynamic and supportive answers. A community that can create knowledge in an efficient and fun way.

Apple App Store
Apple App Store
Google Play Store
Google Play Store
Apple App Store
Google Play Store

The power of questions

Are you passionately curious and never stop asking? Do you like to help others with decisions? Do you love to support them with your advice? Find people around the world who are interested in you and your thoughts.

Question Types

The right type for all your questions

Multi Choice

Ask a question and add up to 6 answer options. Your community can vote for one or more options.

One Choice

Ask a question and add up to 6 answer options. Your community can then vote for a single answer.

Yes / No

Use this question type when you want a quick yes or no decision.

Block One

Ask a question and add up to 6 answer options. Your community can block out one or more options. Once blocked, the option can no longer be selected by others.

Best Rating

Ask your question and let your community rate up to 6 answers with 5-star ratings.

Best Date

Ask your question and add up to 6 dates to choose from. Let your community choose the best possible date.


Give a quiz with up to 6 possible answers, where only one can be defined as correct by you.

Free Reply

Ask your question and get a freely formulated short essay answer from the community. They can also upvote answers from other members.


The Amicido app in action


Discover our impressive features


Browse through the latest questions and find out what your community is talking about

Search & Discover

Are you searching for specific topics? This is where you can find what’s already been asked in our Community.

Question Creation

Show interest, gain sympathy and receive information – questions can do so much more than fill knowledge gaps

Question Types

Plan, guess, rate, decide, vote, reserve – what more do you need?


Help with quick polling or deal more intensively with a question – your expertise is in demand

Answer Summary

See at a glance how the community responded to your question


Build up a community that supports you, encourages you, laughs with you, and for whom you can be a valuable asset


Send your questions to a selected target group – or share them with the entire Community

Your Profile

Show yourself from your best side and be who you want to be

Gain knowledge and find solutions


We strive to make Amicido a community for qualified and intelligent interactions with focus in decision-making, knowledge acquisition, and honest feedback.

Get the new Amicido app! Use it to enhance your abilities in interacting with friends and colleagues, at school, in your family, for business & leisure.



Become part of an amazing community


Always be curious and passionately interested


Answers mean clarity

Your Profile

Show yourself from your best side and tailor your personal settings precisely to your tastes


Evaluate and answer questions without prejudice


Find out more about the things that really interest you


Ask yourself into the minds of the community


Gain knowledge and find solutions


Find trending topics that interest you


Asking questions makes you likeable

Try it now and download Amicido in the app stores. Become part of our remarkable community.

Apple App Store
Google Play Store

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